Friday, October 30, 2009

Food Glorious Food

Josephine had great ideas to write about after our
Immersion Assembly for the topic 'Food, Glorious
Food'. She and Nikita reworked the story to make
it more detailed and really interesting for the


  1. Dear Josephine,
    Wow! That is an awesome recount of our Assembly.
    You must have had a really good time watching all the fun and eating all the food. Because your story was so detailed and your speech so clear this post is really engaging for your audience.
    Love from Mrs Jarman

  2. Hi Josephine

    We loved listening to your story, we could tell that you have worked very hard on it. The assembly sounds like a lot of fun. We will come back and visit your blog soon to see your wonderful learning about food!

    Keep trying your very best
    Love from Room 14, Yendarra School
