Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Fairy Dust

Listen to Nikita read her story about how
Cinderella got a beautiful gown.


  1. Hi Nikita,
    I like Cinderella's story too. I really liked all the description in your story, like when you said she had ragged clothes and that her gown was beautiful and blue. It made pictures of the story in my mind!
    From Jennifer in Room 10 at Grey Lynn School.

  2. What a lovely story about Cinderella and her gown Nikita. I loved the bit about the Fairy Dust on the gown. That made it sound very special. And you always read your stories so clearly too!
    Well done.
    Mrs Burt

  3. Wow Nikita, how did you know all of that story? Lots of people know that story.

    From Uili

  4. Dear Nikita,
    I liked your voice because it was clear. It was a good story because you used interesting words.
    I wrote about Cinderella too.
    From Cezar
